Using Your Basic Competitive Advantages to Increase Enrollment | Part 2

If you missed the first part of this blog, you can find it here. Step Two: Define the Benefits of Your BCAs Even though you now know what your key features, or BCA’s are, you must convert them into benefits. Why? Because prospects do not purchase merely what you have...

Using Your Basic Competitive Advantages to Increase Enrollment | Part 1

In our industry filled with acronyms like DAP and FTE, I created one called BCA. “What do you mean by BCA?” you say. Your BCAs are your Basic Competitive Advantages – those unique features of your early care and education program and services that make you stand apart...

Benefits, Follow-Up, Fortune in the Follow-Up, Guest Book, Julie Wassom, Prospects, Wassom’s Marketing Wisdom

You’ve had prospects that came to an event. At the event, you talked with these prospects about what you offer and the benefits they would receive. Maybe they even signed your guest book. After the event, you sent these prospects a letter and some additional...