You’ve had prospects that came to an event. At the event, you talked with these prospects about what you offer and the benefits they would receive. Maybe they even signed your guest book. After the event, you sent these prospects a letter and some additional information. However, you have not heard anything in reply. You are wondering what to do next without feeling intrusive like the dreaded sales calls you receive from telemarketers. Sound familiar?

Many people believe that if prospects were truly interested , they would call you after this initial follow-up action, and that contacting them again might be perceived as being pushy. Here are some thoughts to give you a different perspective on initiating follow-up, and tips to make it well received.

First, remember these prospects came to the event to learn, to make connections, to seek help in making a good buying decision. They NEED your help in doing so. One way to help them beyond this initial conversation is to include a personal note with the materials you send after the event. In the note, you indicate when you will be calling them to follow-up – sometime within seven to ten days later. Don’t even expect them to call you back.

For instance, you could say, “I will give you a call next Tuesday, to answer any questions you have and to offer my help as you consider this decision.” This sets up a prospect expectation, and gives you the chance to begin to build credibility and trust.

Then call them exactly on the day you said you would. On the call, you could say, “I’m calling you as I said I would to answer your questions on the information I sent you last week following the (event name). What questions came up since then as you read that material? (Answer the questions). What other help can I give you at this stage of your search?”

Do not say, “Do you have any questions?” This question elicits a singular response that may not give you any details about what your prospects needs most from you at this point. Also, when you talk, ask your prospect to schedule a personal visit – or another one if they have already been there.

If you get voice mail, use nearly the same dialogue, except say exact times when you are available for a call back. I often request that if people miss me when they call back, they leave times on my voice mail when it is best for me to return their call. I also refer them to my website for interim information.

Remember, prospects who have inquired or come to an event are interested, they need your expertise, your attention, and your guidance as they make this important decision. If you follow-up well, you will not be perceived as the pesky telemarketer, but the helpful, knowledgeable resource your prospect can trust. And that leads to sales.

Get Julie’s Special Report, “The Fortune is in the Follow-Up”

Julie Wassom