Put these steps (from the previous marketing post) and your othermarketing activities into a marketing action plan. Using a plan will help you stay on track, on time, and within your budget. Make it your goal to complete at least one marketing activity per month, with a bare minimum of one per quarter.  Schedule this marketing activity in your calendar or tickler file just as you would an important appointment.

Start Marketing Tip: Begin with the development of your business identity.Business cards are still an extremely cost-efficient marketing tool when used well.

Build a file of good photographs of your business location, products and services, satisfied customers, etc. Put up a well-designed, interactive website as soon as possible.

Get involved in local community activities. Generate local press, and do some very selective advertising. Remember, your initial marketing goal is not to sell. (You don’t yet have anything to sell anyway.) It is to build the awareness, recognition and retention of an image that will ultimately help you generate prospect inquiries and referrals.

With all these marketing efforts growing as your business does, you will have your image established and be miles further around the track than your competition who waited to do any marketing. Then, when you do have products and services to sell, you will be well positioned to expand your marketing to those activities that will actually convert prospects to buyers.

Julie Wassom
“The Speaker Whose Message Means Business”
Marketing and Sales Speaker/Consultant/Author
Call me: 303-693-2306
Fax me: 303-617-6422
E-me: julie@juliewassom.com
See me: www.juliewassom.com