Within the last two weeks, three different clients have told me that one thing they really value in our working relationship is how I ask them the “hard questions” that probe their thinking- then act as a partner throughout the process to do whatever it takes to take action on the answers. All three of these clients have seen the results they wanted in developing business practices that yield qualified prospects, generate new customers, and get staff on board as customer service partners. With that in mind, let’s explore three of those “tough questions”. I encourage you to not only ask them of yourself, but to use the answers to motivate you to move forward toward your goals.

Tough Question #1What is unique about you? No, not the stuff your competitors also say, but really unique just to you and the way you do business. Come up with a succinct answer and use it to build the marketing message on which you establish your niche and drive your brand.

Tough Question #2What are the best ways you can reach your prospects and customers? Your answer should be realistic for your situation, use the latest technology that appeals to your target audiences, and take advantage of cost-efficient opportunities you have to reach your buyers and referral sources. Though advertising has its purpose, it is not the only way to put yourself in front of potential buyers, and often not the best way to get noticed in the pack of choices they have.

Tough Question #3Why should I buy from you? You MUST know the answer to this! Not only does it make you think about your unique selling propositions, it makes you recognize the buyer benefits to which you must commit in order to deserve, get, and keep their business. A good way to think about it is to put yourself in your prospect’s perspective (I know, I say this allllll the time). Then ask yourself, “Why would I buy from me?”

Knowing the answers to these and other tough questions is not enough. Acting on them in a creative, consistent, continuous way will help make your overall marketing easier, and the results more successful at helping you reach your business development goals.

Julie Wassom is the owner of The Julian Group, Inc. in Denver, Colorado, and is the author of The Enrollment Building Success Library, of CDs, books and other marketing resources, and the e-newsletter, Wassom’s Child Care Marketing Wisdom, available at www.juliewassom.com.

 She can be reached at 303-693-2306 or julie@juliewassom.com.

Julie Wassom
“The Speaker Whose Message Means Business”
Marketing and Sales Speaker/Consultant/Author
Call me: 303-693-2306
Fax me: 303-617-6422
E-me: julie@juliewassom.com
See me: www.juliewassom.com