Question: With more and more requests to email information to inquiring prospects, how can we make sure we convert those inquiries into business?

Answer: Make sure the information you email inquiring prospects gives them enough to make them want to know more, but not EVERYTHING. First of all, people today are really busy and not apt to READ lots of printed information. And second, too much information gives prospects no incentive to actually investigate your products/services further. Instead, send them a link to an excerpt of one of your products or examples of your services, tell them what is unique and special about you compared to the others they are researching (and they are), and offer them something important that they need to pick up at the center.

Think in your prospect’s perspective. I had one young mother tell me that though she uses email for initial investigations, when she wants to get a good feeling about a service she is considering purchasing, she also wants to get beyond an impersonal email to a personal phone call. Offer two specific times you can call them, and ask them to respond to tell you which time will be best for their telephone follow-up with you.

Julie Wassom