I recently read the following in a newsletter from my speaking colleague, Tom Letourneau, a marketing specialist in the banking and financial services industries. I thought it a concept worth sharing with you. Actually, the concept of layering your marketing communications messages to your target markets has been around for a long time, but calling it “saturation marketing” helps drive home the importance of using all of those four methods of marketing communications I talk about – advertising, public relations, community involvement, and customer relations – to generate more inquiries and referrals than ever before.

Here’s what Tom had to say:

I coined the term Saturation Marketing not too long ago to mean doing everything possible to market, promote and sell your products and services. But it is more than that—it is a mindset. Saturation Marketing means direct mail, web sites and telemarketing. It means cold calling, networking and connecting with your existing clients. It stands for customer service, public relations and sales. It means doing everything your time, your budget and your resources will allow to grab and keep top-of-the-mind-awareness in your target market’s world.

Saturation Marketing
is taking time to think and to use your creative problem solving skills to identify vertical marketing opportunities as well as new uses for your products in new markets. It is spending time in your community giving back to those who have made you a success.

Saturation Marketing
means looking at every opportunity to present yourself and your company to the people who would buy from you. It takes some time and effort but the payoff is great. Are you ready to do Saturation Marketing?

From The World’s Shortest Ezine by Tom Letourneau (800) 845-7553 / http://www.TomSpeaks.net.

My challenge to you is to create a plan to use “saturation marketing” to help market your center and its services, and to generate an abundance of qualified inquiries. If you need help, call me. Our goal will be to saturate your market with your image and message to the point that you are top-of-mind whenever the words child care or early care and education come up in conversations shared by your prospects, customers, and opinion influencers. Be ready, though. With that kind of effort, your email, phone lines, and drop-in visitor time slots will be saturated with prospect inquiries. Are you ready to convert them into enrollments?

Best wishes, happy marketing, and a happy New Years!

Julie Wassom
“The Speaker Whose Message Means Business”
Marketing and Sales Speaker/Consultant/Author
Call me: 303-693-2306
Fax me: 303-617-6422
E-me: julie@juliewassom.com
See me: www.juliewassom.com